Your February Home To-Do List

As you prepare and plan for the warmer days ahead, make sure to take advantage of the cold by tackling indoor chores and home maintenance tasks. February is a perfect time to make your home a clean, cozy and healthy haven. Here are some ideas to add to your to-do list this month to make sure you have plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors once the Spring comes.
Winter is usually a perfect time to enjoy one of your favorite spots in your home – your bed. Embrace the nesting instinct by taking the time to clean all bed linens, including comforters, duvets, sheets, etc. Try to launder everything that you can at home. If something is dry-cleaning only, consider splurging on this and you'll have a totally clean and fresh bed that's ready for spring.
Flip your Mattress
Before putting all of your clean bedding back on your bed, take a minute to flip your mattress. If you don't have an extra hand to help with this, try rotating it. Doing so will help it wear more evenly and extend its life, not to mention your overall comfort.
Clean out the Linen Closet
Take time while it's still cold out to clean out your linen closet. Rotate any spring bedding or little-used linens to the front lines. Launder everything to prevent dust and allergens from building up. If you have recently bought or plan on buying new sheets and towels, make some room by donating an older set. Homeless shelters and some churches will accept donations of bedding and towels in good condition, and animal shelters are often in need of towels. Really worn linens can be cut up and used as rags or dropped in a textile-recycling bin.
Purify the Air
In winter, you're more likely to keep the heat on and the windows shut, which makes for a warm house but not very clean air. Refresh your space by cracking a window for a few minutes every now and then. Invest in air-cleaning houseplants or set up an air purifier to help out even more. In addition, change furnace filters. Replacing the filters regularly helps your furnace run more efficiently and keeps the air in your home cleaner.
Deep Clean
Do more than surface clean your entire home. Move appliances to clean dust and food that may have gotten trapped. Clean walls, floors, and interior windows to get rid of built-up dust, melting snow, or road-salt that's built up over the winter. A midwinter cleaning can be especially important for allergy sufferers. Vacuum cobwebs from high corners, walls, and baseboards. Clean and dust bookshelves and other often-ignored surfaces.
Home Safety Check
Do a home safety check. It doesn't take long to check home safety devices – and the peace of mind is well worth the effort. Test smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, changing batteries as needed. Check the expiration date on fire extinguishers and replace as needed.
Once all of these tasks are done, these last weeks of winter are now yours to enjoy in a clean and organized space. With all of these seasonal housecleaning and home preventative maintenance tasks complete, you can step into spring worry-free.
Thinking of re-vamping some of your space to enjoy this spring? Contact Northern Craft today and see your ideas come to life with an in-home 3D Design consultation. Contact Us >>